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Contact Us


Al-Ashwal Head Office, Shoub Sana’a, Yemen.

Phone Number

  • Tel:+967 1 282432
  • Fax: +967 1 282433

Addresses and Branches

  • Head Office, Shoub
  • +967 1 282432
  • +967 1 291710
  • +967 1 282436
  • +967 1 480501
  • Alhasabah branch agencies section
  • +967 1 224127
    +967 1 225333
    Fax: +967 1 227104
  • Industry sector Jader – alqabel road
  • +967 1 377642
  • +967 1 389702
  • +967 1 389283
  • Fax: +967 1 377982
  • Aden branch
  • +967 2 358392
  • +967 2 358391
  • Fax: +967 2 358394
  • Amran branch
  • Tel: +967 7 600045
  • Fax: +967 7 601844